Video Transcript:
The Foundation for Young Australians exists to create change with generations of young Australians and what we mean by that is that we really want to see our young people in this country contributing to the community involved and engaged in decision making and really learning the skills that they need for the future.
So our relationship with humanIT came through an introduction we have from our CEO. She met the team at and heard that they’d done really great work humanIT spent a lot of time with us to work through what our current model was and what our future model was so it was sustainable over the long period.
So that was a great piece of work even for our staff to understand how what we do would link into what the IT strategy was going to do. So I think learning within my team has been amazing.
Working with Human IT was a really positive experience. Victor was really great to work with. He really took the time to step me through all of the more complex parts of the project humanIT really empowered me to better understand where I was at and what I could be doing to better serve the organisation.
So with data governance, these new rules came out at the start of 2018 around mandatory breach reporting, which was, you know, quite confronting for a lot of organisations. So for us, it was a really important process to go through. and gather all the information across the organisation and then identify, you know, what were those pathways and where are our potential risks.
We really have distilled what were very, very difficult complex for FIA into something that’s quite manageable. We’ve got this map, this wonderful map of really understanding. how the data moves into our organisation, how it’s stored, how it moves out. We have this clarity of what the current state looks like, and a really clear pathway for what the future state should look like and how we’re going to get there.
And all of these things together are going to make what we do much more integrated and much more visible to our partners and our participants and our young people that we’re working with. So it’s been a great process.